Faith That Brings Manifestation

I am not going to say a whole lot about this prophetic utterance, except take heed, be mindful and discerning. Know what the will of the Lord “IS”. This is no time to panic, flip out, be afraid, anxious, discouraged, unbelieving, intimidated, overwhelmed, in a hurry, troubled about anything, worried, etc…because these things will cause you to not make good choices and leave you up the creek without a paddle. Stand in “faith” and don’t be moved off of God’s Word until you see what you have been saying. Hope will sustain you, but “Faith” brings manifestation.

Stay the course, because you are coming to the end of that storm. I don’t know who this was for, but somebody with questions, pulled that out of me. God’s Word Is the FINAL AUTHORITY, THE UMPIRE IN YOUR HEART & MIND In THIS THING Called LIFE. His Word is full of Life, Power & It is Spirit. That devil is a “LIAR”…you’re going to make it, so keep on moving forward. Jesus & I love Ya and there is nothing you can do about it.

2 responses

  1. I believe it was for me…sometimes the end of a race is harder than the middle…especially if it has been a marathon…Standing firm in faith and holding on to hope…thank you!

  2. Amen, Mariza, Thank you for your response

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